Well when you have only been open 3 weeks, everything seems new and noteworthy, but our plants have been rapidly finding their way to new homes and so we have been restocking with some new and exciting green goodies to keep the selection interesting.
Jurassic Begonias
Our selection of several varieties of Jurassic and Jurassic Rex Begonias is a great way to add a zap of WOW to your traditional green foliage. These beautiful begonias boast showy shades of deep pink, red, burgundy and silver with an iridescent sheen that’s just magical. Easy care, low light plants.

Monstera Philodendron
The Monstera split leaf philodendron is quickly becoming one of the most sought after house plants of the year. With it’s bright green leaves that uncurl to showcase a unique slivers and holes, you’ll find that no 2 leaves are alike. We have our Monsteras in both the sunlit front room and the low light dark room of our shop and both locations seem to be quite pleasing to these lovelies. Ours have LOTS of new growth on them too. 10″ pot size for a sizeable plant.

Paphiopedilum Orchids
As the first introduction to what we are calling our Conservatory Collection, the paphiopedilum often called “lady slipper” orchids, is always an attention getter. In colors including white, yellow, raspberry, and violet, many with adorable “freckles”, our paphs are just starting to open and reveal their true identities. We ordered a limited number, so be sure to get yours before they are gone. Once fully open, the bloom will last several weeks with healthy plants lasting up to 2-3 months. Blooms once a year.

Coming Soon
Since opening day, we have noted a variety of requests and we are doing our best to source them for you. Some things we are working on bringing to the shop:
- Sempervivum – Hens & Chicks
- Pilea Peperomioides – Pass it on plants (these went super fast when we had them!)
- Miniature Orchids – like you have seen in some of our terrariums
- Blooming Air Plants – yes some do flower
- Aloe Vera – summer and sunburns will be here before you know it
- Mounted Staghorns – we are designing our own one of a kind mounts for displaying indoors and out
- Succulent Display Pieces – wall mounted and a few other surprises
- Homes for our bees, birds, butterflies, and other winged wonders
- Easter table top decor
- Special order gifts for your favorite teachers, administrator, and of course mom
- And of course THE TERRARIUM BAR
Speaking of the Terrarium Bar
Your comments and suggestions about our plans to offer a DIY terrarium bar has caused us to rethink our current store layout and display. We are in the process of revamping the back room so that we can dedicate that entire space to the joy of MAKING (yours and mine), and create a little more space in case you’d like to bring a friend or two along for some terrarium making fun.

While we understand people of all ages enjoy working with plants, we have envisioned our terrarium bar as an ADULT design experience, as our terrariums are meant to become a part of your home decor. It’s a place for you to relax, get your hands a little dirty, and enjoy some plant therapy. With that in mind, we will NOT be offering children’s parties or mother & child design appointments. We have had a lot of interest from our local teens, so we will be considering making appointments available for teens 13 and over who come with a parent supervisor.
Once we finish the room, and receive a shipment of gorgeous terrarium glassware we have been anxiously awaiting, we will let you know when and how to start making appointments to come enjoy the space, and what you can expect in regards to options and pricing.
A huge thank you to the community and neighboring businesses for supporting us through our opening and welcoming us on Main St. We enjoy every day in our little shop, rain or shine, because we get to know you all a little more each day, and what it is you love about plants. If you haven’t stopped by yet, well we’ve been missing you… and you’ve been missing a little something from Terrarium in your life!